Our bikes

Most of our ships have their own solid, steady and comfortable bicycles on board, and there are also a few e-bikes available. When a ship doesn’t have bikes, we rent them. If you want to bring your own bike, it’s important to let us know so we can reserve a space on deck.

Almost all of the rental bicycles are traditional touring bicycles (ladies’ models) with 7 or 8 gears, hand brakes (some with pedal brake) and pannier bags. The bikes provided in Croatia and France have 11 or 21 gears and hand breaks. E-bikes feature a small electrical engine and a battery that assist and ease your pedaling, but they do not feature autonomous propulsion. It is like having a tailwind, so it’s easier going, but you still have to pedal.

Please note: all bicycles have normal pedals, no click pedals. So please wear ordinary sporting shoes. Changing pedals is not possible.